Welcome to Peace and Serenity Now, your oasis of renewal and regeneration! 

Escape in a world of complete serenity, rejuvenate your mind, body and soul! 

Accédez à un monde de sérénité et régénérez-vous corps, âme et esprit!

At Peace and Serenity Now, a Holistic Health & Wellness Centre located in Montreal area, we offer wellness and stress management services based on the philosophy of holistic health and vibrational energy healing. To help you  restore your energy we use energy based therapies sessions such as reiki, cranio-sacral therapy, rebirthing,  bars.  Stress is the major factor for most illnesses in our society today! From diabetes to heart disease and cancer, basically every  illness has a stress component as its cause. An appropriate stress management strategy will insure in the first stage that you are not getting sick. By taking regular energy based sessions that aim at decreasing your stress levels you will accomplish greater energy,  vibrant health and peace of mind. Energy-based healing systems are becoming increasingly popular as healing touch is being introduced into hospitals and nursing school curriculums throughout North America.

 “Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down.”  Donna Eden

dolphin vortex

Even dr. Oz has used Reiki in his operation room and showed that it helps with the recovery of the body and is using Reiki as a general pick me up when he is too tired or stressed. Although scientifically energy medicine is in its infancy, the principles behind it have been practiced in many cultures and in many different ways around the world for hundreds or thousands of years. From Yoga to acupuncture and from martial arts to Reiki — all energy-based modalities speak off an underlying energy that can be used to improve overall health, vitality, and the state of mind. Energy Medicine or energy bodywork helps heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; the body heals by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance.  Energy healing patients have experienced profound results; stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, pain, immune system disorders, tissue damage, and myriad of other conditions were ameliorated by the use of energy bodywork.

” Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the health of organs, cells, and psyche.”  David Feinstein, Ph.D.

To take an appointment please contact Ruxandra

514 998-8576



PSN logo

My LOGO was  made by Nadine from Ménart Design, many thanks for the wonderful work. 

 I greatly recommend her talent and creativity!    


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